Flexible Fitting Tutorial, Part II
The tutorial introduces the basic ideas of the older (Situs 2.x era) feature point or skeleton--based flexible docking strategies using actin and RNA Polymerase test systems. 

It is helpful for the understanding of the tutorial if the user is already familiar with the classic EM tutorial and the correlation-based docking tutorial. To simplify the modeling we use the qplasty tool for approximative flexing at a carbon alpha level of detail. We offer alternative (and more stereochemically accurate) Molecular Dynamics protocols at Situs Flavors. The results of the flexing can be compared to solutions distributed with the tutorial software. More documentation is available in the user guide, on the methodology page, and in the published articles.

It is helpful for the understanding of the tutorial if the user has performed at least the installation step of part I (the rest of part I can be skipped if the earlier output files are copied from the "solutions" directory). 
Data Flow and Design

The series of steps and the programs that are required to dock an atomic-resolution structure flexibly to single-molecule, low-resolution data are shown schematically in the following figure. Detailed program explanations are given in the user guide .

Schematic diagram of flexing related routines. Major Situs components (blue) are classified by their functionality. The main work flow is indicated by brown arrows. The advanced modeling of distance constraints for the motion capture skeleton is shown in dark blue. Visualization (orange) for the rendering of the data requires a molecular graphics viewer (we use here the VMD graphics program, Chimera and Sculptor also support Situs format). 

Standard EM formats are supported and are converted to cubic lattices in Situs format. This is done with the map2map utility. Subsequently, the data is inspected and, if necessary, prepared for the vector quantization using a variety of visualization and analysis tools. Atomic coordinates in PDB format can be transformed to low-resolution maps, if necessary, and vice versa. During vector quantization of the high-resolution structure, distances can be learnt that are sent to the vector quantizer of the low-resolution structure to enable skeleton-based fitting. After the vector quantization, the high-resolution structure is flexibly docked by the qplasty tool to the low-resolution density by the corresponding codebook vectors.

Creating a Simulated Target Map for Validation

First we create a simulated EM map from a known atomic structure for later validation. We lower the resolution of the target structure to 15 Å with the pdb2vol kernel convolution utility. Enter at the shell prompt:

./pdb2vol 0_actin_target.pdb 1_actin_target.situs

Select mass-weighting (enter 2) and select no B-factor cutoff (enter 1). Next enter the desired voxel spacing of the output map. Given the dimensions of the structure, 2 Å appears to be a good compromise between lattice accuracy and storage requirement. Next, enter the desired output resolution as a negative number: -15 Å. Next, select the Gaussian smoothing kernel (enter 1). Select lattice correction (enter 1), and enter the maximum amplitude of the kernel (enter 1). 
You can also automate this  procedure in a script by overloading the expected input (see run_tutorial.bash for details):

The program projects the atomic structure to the lattice, computes the Gaussian kernel, and carries out the real-space convolution, writing the resulting volumetric map to the file 1_actin_target.situs.

Here is the full program output:

./pdb2vol 0_actin_target.pdb 1_actin_target.situs
lib_pio> 3572 atoms read.
pdb2vol> Found 639 hydrogens, 0 water atoms, 0 codebook vectors, 0 density atoms
pdb2vol> Hydrogens will be ignored.
pdb2vol> Do you want to mass-weight the atoms ?
pdb2vol> 1: No
pdb2vol> 2: Yes
pdb2vol> 2
pdb2vol> Do you want to select atoms based on a B-factor threshold?
pdb2vol> 1: No
pdb2vol> 2: Yes
pdb2vol> 1
pdb2vol> 2933 out of 3572 atoms selected for conversion.
pdb2vol> The input structure measures 74.971 x 62.460 x 38.249 Angstrom
pdb2vol> Please enter the desired voxel spacing for the output map (in Angstrom): 2
pdb2vol> Kernel width. Please enter (in Angstrom):
pdb2vol> (as pos. value) kernel half-max radius or
pdb2vol> (as neg. value) target resolution (2 sigma)
pdb2vol> Now enter (signed) value: -15
pdb2vol> Please select the type of smoothing kernel:
pdb2vol> 1: Gaussian, exp(-1.5 r^2 / sigma^2)
pdb2vol> sigma = 7.500A, r-half = 5.098A, r-cut = 12.990A
pdb2vol> 2: Triangular, max(0, 1 - 0.5 |r| / r-half)
pdb2vol> sigma = 7.500A, r-half = 5.929A, r-cut = 11.859A
pdb2vol> 3: Semi-Epanechnikov, max(0, 1 - 0.5 |r|^1.5 / r-half^1.5)
pdb2vol> sigma = 7.500A, r-half = 7.331A, r-cut = 11.637A
pdb2vol> 4: Epanechnikov, max(0, 1 - 0.5 r^2 / r-half^2)
pdb2vol> sigma = 7.500A, r-half = 8.101A, r-cut = 11.456A
pdb2vol> 5: Hard Sphere, max(0, 1 - 0.5 r^60 / r-half^60)
pdb2vol> sigma = 7.500A, r-half = 9.722A, r-cut = 9.835A
pdb2vol> 1
pdb2vol> Do you want to correct for lattice interpolation smoothing effects?
pdb2vol> 1: Yes (slightly lowers the kernel width to maintain target resolution)
pdb2vol> 2: No
pdb2vol> 1
pdb2vol> Finally, please enter the desired kernel amplitude (scaling factor): 1
pdb2vol> Projecting atoms to cubic lattice by trilinear interpolation...
pdb2vol> ... done. Lattice smoothing (sigma = atom rmsd): 1.408 Angstrom
pdb2vol> Computing Gaussian kernel (correcting sigma for lattice smoothing)...
pdb2vol> ... done. Kernel map extent 15 x 15 x 15 voxels
pdb2vol> Convolving lattice with kernel...
pdb2vol> ... done. Spatial resolution (2 sigma) of output map: 15.000A
lib_vio> Writing density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data written to file 1_actin_target.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 1_actin_target.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-57, y=1-52, z=1-39
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel (1,1,1): (-58.000000,-50.000000,-36.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 2.000000

By loading the resulting map into VMD (see below), one can vary the density threshold. A threshold of 10 (~15% of the maximum value) corresponds approximately to the surface of the molecule.
Preliminary Rigid-Body Registration

Before we start fitting the original actin structure to the target structure, it is important to roughly align the atomic structure and the target map by rigid-body fitting.

An initial alignment "by eye" can e.g. be done with VMD (move a loaded molecule by selecting the VMD menu Mouse -> Move -> Molecule, then translate it with the mouse and rotate it by pressing the Shift key; the new coordinates can then be saved by selecting File -> Save Coordinates).

Alternatively, an automated rigid-body fitting procedure can also be employed, e.g. using colores, collage, or matchpt as explained in other tutorials. It is a good idea to export a number of best-scoring rigid body fits, and to explore the alignment of these fits by eye, before selecting one for subsequent flexible fitting.

For example, using colores at the shell prompt enter:

./colores 1_actin_target.situs 0_actin_orig.pdb -res 15.0 -deg 20 -explor 1

After this run we rename the resulting fit and remove the auxiliary files of the colores run:

mv col_best_001.pdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb
rm col_*

Vector Quantization of the High-Resolution Structure with quanpdb

Now, we perform the vector quantization of the rigid fitted structure with the quanpdb utility.

At the shell prompt, enter

./quanpdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb

and select mass-weighting (enter 2), ignore the B-factor cutoff (enter 1). Next, enter the number of codebook vectors: 4 (one for each of actin's subdomains). Watch the program compute a number of datasets for statistical averaging. The file 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb now contains the four new codebook vectors, their rms variability, and the effective radius of their Voronoi cells, in PDB format. Finally, the user is asked whether nearest-neighbor connectivities should be learnt, or whether the Voronoi cells should be saved. Here we twice enter 1 (don't save the connectivities or Voronoi cells). See also run_tutorial.bash.

Here is the output of the entire quanpdb calculation:

./quanpdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb
lib_pio> 3580 atoms read.
quanpdb> Found 639 hydrogens, 0 water atoms, 8 codebook vectors, 0 density atoms
quanpdb> Hydrogens will be ignored.
quanpdb> Do you want to mass-weight the atoms ?
quanpdb> 1: No
quanpdb> 2: Yes
quanpdb> 2
quanpdb> Do you want to select atoms based on a B-factor threshold?
quanpdb> 1: No
quanpdb> 2: Yes
quanpdb> 1
quanpdb> 2954 equally weighted inputs out of originally 3580 atoms selected for conversion.
quanpdb> Sphericity of the atomic structure: 0.52
quanpdb> Enter desired number of codebook vectors for data quantization: (0 to exit): 4
quanpdb> Computing 8 datasets, 100000 iterations each...
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 1
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 2
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 3
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 4
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 5
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 6
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 7
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 8
quanpdb> Codebook vectors have been written to file 2_actin_orig_dock_target.quanpdb
quanpdb> The PDB B-factor field contains the equivalent spherical radii
quanpdb> of the corresponding Voronoi cells (in Angstrom).
quanpdb> Cluster analysis of the 8 independent calculations:
quanpdb> The PDB occupancy field in 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb contains the rms variabilities of the vectors.
quanpdb> Average rms fluctuation of the 4 codebook vectors: 0.865 Angstrom
quanpdb> Radius of gyration of the 4 codebook vectors: 17.347 Angstrom
quanpdb> Do you want to learn nearest-neighbor connectivities?
quanpdb> Choose one of the following options -
quanpdb> 1: No.
quanpdb> 2: Learn and save to a PSF file
quanpdb> 3: Learn and save to a constraints file
quanpdb> 4: Learn and save to both PSF and constraints files
quanpdb> 1
quanpdb> Do you want to save the Voronoi cells?
quanpdb> Choose one of the following options -
quanpdb> 1: No. I'm done
quanpdb> 2: Yes. Save cells to a PDB file
quanpdb> 1
quanpdb> Bye bye!

Vector Quantization of the Low-Resolution Map with quanvol

For the vector quantization of the volumetric dataset with the quanvol utility we use the previous quanpdb codebook vectors as start positions. After entering

./quanvol 1_actin_target.situs 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb \

the user is prompted to enter the density cutoff value. We enter 100 which is an appropriate surface value for this map. Subsequently, the program asks whether we wish to optimize the data. or analyse it only. We enter 1 for LBG optimization. Next, the program asks if the users wishes to use distance constraints, we enter 1 (No). Finally, the user is asked whether nearest-neighbor connectivities should be learnt. For now we enter 1 (No). The file 3_actin_target.qvol now contains the codebook vectors.

Here is the output of this quanvol calculation:

./quanvol 1_actin_target.situs 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb 3_actin_target.qvol
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 1_actin_target.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-57, y=1-52, z=1-39
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (-58.000000,-50.000000,-36.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 2.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 1_actin_target.situs
quanvol> Density values below a user-defined cutoff value will not be considered
quanvol> Do you want to inspect the input density values before entering the cutoff value?
quanvol> Choose one of the following three options -
quanvol>      1: No (continue)
quanvol>      2: Show me the minimum and maximum density values only
quanvol>      3: Show me the voxel histogram
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Now enter the cutoff density value: 100
quanvol> Cutting off density values < 100.000000, remaining occupied volume: 12713 voxels (1.017040e+05 Angstrom^3)
lib_pio> 4 atoms read.
quanvol> Do you want to optimize the start vectors or skip and proceed to the connectivity analysis?
quanvol> Choose one of the following two options -
quanvol>      1: Optimize start vectors with LBG
quanvol>      2: Skip and proceed directly to connectivity analysis
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Using start vectors from file 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb.
quanvol> Vector distance constraints restrict undesired degrees of freedom.
quanvol> Do you want to add distance constraints?
quanvol> Choose one of the following three options -
quanvol>      1: No
quanvol>      2: Yes. I want to enter them manually
quanvol>      3: Yes. I want to read connectivities from a PSF file and use start vector distances
quanvol>      4: Yes. I want to read them from a Situs constraints file
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Starting standard LBG vector quantization.
quanvol> It. 1 -- Average vector update: 3.794887e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 2 -- Average vector update: 3.459883e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 3 -- Average vector update: 3.164652e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 4 -- Average vector update: 2.914341e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 5 -- Average vector update: 2.667951e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 6 -- Average vector update: 2.440749e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 7 -- Average vector update: 2.238978e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 8 -- Average vector update: 2.044688e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 9 -- Average vector update: 1.876906e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 10 -- Average vector update: 1.723334e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 11 -- Average vector update: 1.587836e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 12 -- Average vector update: 1.464327e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 13 -- Average vector update: 1.345356e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 14 -- Average vector update: 1.241281e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 15 -- Average vector update: 1.145233e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 16 -- Average vector update: 1.052219e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 17 -- Average vector update: 9.707859e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 18 -- Average vector update: 8.882026e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 19 -- Average vector update: 8.154858e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 20 -- Average vector update: 7.512557e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 21 -- Average vector update: 6.959220e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 22 -- Average vector update: 6.432284e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 23 -- Average vector update: 5.972955e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 24 -- Average vector update: 5.495829e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 25 -- Average vector update: 5.124211e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 26 -- Average vector update: 4.685754e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 27 -- Average vector update: 4.316624e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 28 -- Average vector update: 4.039170e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 29 -- Average vector update: 3.792771e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 30 -- Average vector update: 3.597380e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 31 -- Average vector update: 3.496715e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 32 -- Average vector update: 3.241709e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 33 -- Average vector update: 3.048423e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 34 -- Average vector update: 2.848838e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 35 -- Average vector update: 2.647463e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 36 -- Average vector update: 2.404363e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 37 -- Average vector update: 2.244006e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 38 -- Average vector update: 2.056871e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 39 -- Average vector update: 1.959148e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 40 -- Average vector update: 1.851113e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 41 -- Average vector update: 1.725249e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 42 -- Average vector update: 1.626679e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 43 -- Average vector update: 1.602147e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 44 -- Average vector update: 1.627645e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 45 -- Average vector update: 1.567052e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 46 -- Average vector update: 1.466849e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 47 -- Average vector update: 1.390725e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 48 -- Average vector update: 1.287678e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 49 -- Average vector update: 1.187649e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 50 -- Average vector update: 1.093469e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 51 -- Average vector update: 1.013612e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 52 -- Average vector update: 9.438498e-03 Angstrom
quanvol> Final clustering -- Average vector update: 0.000000e+00 Angstrom
quanvol> Codebook vectors have been written to file 3_actin_target.qvol
quanvol> The PDB B-factor field contains the equivalent spherical radii
quanvol> of the corresponding Voronoi cells (in Angstrom).
quanvol> Radius of gyration of the 4 codebook vectors: 19.685 Angstrom
quanvol> Do you want to update or save the input connectivities?
quanvol> Choose one of the following options -
quanvol>      1: No. I'm done
quanvol>      2: Update and save to a PSF file
quanvol>      3: Update and save to a constraints file
quanvol>      4: Update and save to both PSF and constraints files
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Bye bye!

Flexible Fitting using Interpolation

The flexible docking is approximated, based on the sparsely sampled displacements from the above quanvol and quanpdb codebook vectors, by interpolation with qplasty. This is sufficient for carbon alpha level accuracy. We use here the default parameters for qplasty. For more information on the algorithm see Rusu et al., 2008.

To start the flexing, enter at the shell prompt:

./qplasty 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.qpdb \
          3_actin_target.qvol 4_flexed_to_target.pdb

The flexed structure has been written to file 4_flexed_to_target.pdb.

Visualization (Actin)

We inspect the above results with VMD. The following sequence of commands in the VMD text console (cf. VMD user guide) will load the original and flexed actin structures, 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb (red) and 4_flexed_to_target.pdb (green), and render them in colored tube representation. The script also renders the target density map, 1_actin_target.situs, in gray:

mol load pdb 4_flexed_to_target.pdb
mol load pdb 2_actin_orig_dock_target.pdb
mol load situs 1_actin_target.situs
mol top 0
rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Tube 0.3 6
mol modstyle 0 1 Tube 0.3 6
mol modstyle 0 2 Isosurface 100 0 0 1 2 1
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 1
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 2

Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line! The result should look very similar to this image:

(Click image to enlarge)

Introduction to Skeletons

The above example using four feature points is very elementary. To improve the stereochemical quality of the flexing, it is possible to constrain the distances between the features to reduce the effect of noise and experimental limitations on the codebook vector positions. This "skeleton" based approach, as described on the Vector Quantization page, is related to 3D motion capture technology used in the entertainment industry and in biomechanics. 

In principle, the resolution of flexible fitting of an atomic structure to a low-resolution map could be improved by increasing the number of codebook vectors. However, one cannot increase the level of detail indefinitely. If there are experimental limitations (e.g. noise, missing parts) not all vectors converge towards equivalent features in the two data sets at a higher level of detail. The solution to this problem is to freeze longitudinal degrees of freedom, and to impose distance constraints on the vectors. 

We consider here an interesting case, the flexible fitting of the closed RNA polymerase structure to a (simulated) open form at low resolution. Inspection of this file reveals that an isocontour value of 50 units is appropriate.

Important: Before we start the flexing, it is again mandatory to roughly align the atomic structure and the target map by rigid-body fitting. This can be done "by eye" or with one of our Situs tools, as described above. Here the structures are already sufficiently aligned, but it isn't always the case.

Vector Quantization of the High-Resolution Structure

Now, we perform the vector quantization of the roughly aligned atomic structure with the quanpdb utility.

At the shell prompt, enter

./quanpdb 0_rnap1.pdb 5_rnap1.qpdb

and select mass weigthing (enter 2) and no B-factor cutoff (enter 1). Next, enter the number of codebook vectors: 15. Watch the program compute a number of datasets for statistical averaging. The file 5_rnap1.qpdb now contains the 15 new codebook vectors, their rms variability, and the effective radius of their Voronoi cells, in PDB format. Finally, the user is asked whether nearest-neighbor connectivities should be learnt, or whether the Voronoi cells should be saved. Here we enter 2 to save the connectivities to file 5_rnap1.qpsf. We do not wish to save the Voronoi cells (enter 1). 

Here is the output of the entire quanpdb calculation:

./quanpdb 0_rnap1.pdb 5_rnap1.qpdb
lib_pio> 10760 atoms read.
quanpdb> Found 0 hydrogens, 0 water atoms, 0 codebook vectors, 0 density atoms
quanpdb> Do you want to mass-weight the atoms ?
quanpdb> 1: No
quanpdb> 2: Yes
quanpdb> 2
quanpdb> Do you want to select atoms based on a B-factor threshold?
quanpdb> 1: No
quanpdb> 2: Yes
quanpdb> 1
quanpdb> 10760 equally weighted inputs out of originally 10760 atoms selected for conversion.
quanpdb> Sphericity of the atomic structure: 0.20
quanpdb> Enter desired number of codebook vectors for data quantization: (0 to exit): 15
quanpdb> Computing 8 datasets, 100000 iterations each...
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 1
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 2
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 3
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 4
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 5
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 6
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 7
quanpdb> Now producing dataset 8
quanpdb> Codebook vectors have been written to file 5_rnap1.qpdb
quanpdb> The PDB B-factor field contains the equivalent spherical radii
quanpdb> of the corresponding Voronoi cells (in Angstrom).
quanpdb> Cluster analysis of the 8 independent calculations:
quanpdb> The PDB occupancy field in 5_rnap1.quanpdb contains the rms variabilities of the vectors.
quanpdb> Average rms fluctuation of the 15 codebook vectors: 3.732 Angstrom
quanpdb> Radius of gyration of the 15 codebook vectors: 41.810 Angstrom
quanpdb> Do you want to learn nearest-neighbor connectivities?
quanpdb> Choose one of the following options -
quanpdb> 1: No.
quanpdb> 2: Learn and save to a PSF file
quanpdb> 3: Learn and save to a constraints file
quanpdb> 4: Learn and save to both PSF and constraints files
quanpdb> 2
quanpdb> Enter PSF filename: 5_rnap1.qpsf
quanpdb> Connectivity data written to PSF file 5_rnap1.qpsf.
quanpdb> Do you want to save the Voronoi cells?
quanpdb> Choose one of the following options -
quanpdb> 1: No. I'm done
quanpdb> 2: Yes. Save cells to a PDB file
quanpdb> 1
quanpdb> Bye bye..

Assigning Corresponding Vectors and Distance Constraints

We now have codebook vectors and the distance information for the atomic structure. To proceed with the flexible docking, two problems must be solved:

  • We need to generate low-resolution vectors that are in correspondance with the atomic ones, i.e. here we must form 15 pairs of vectors that will be used as refinement parameters.
  • Modeling of the skeleton. The distance connectivity file 5_rnap1.qpsf contains connectivity information about adjacent high-resolution vectors. This file is only a starting point. E.g. enforcing all of these constraints would make the structure rather rigid, so we must select a sparse set of non-redundant distances, i.e. a skeleton, that enables flexible fitting.

There is no automated Situs routine for assigning corresponding vectors and for modeling the skeleton. It is recommended to select these vectors by visual inspection with a graphics program.

Vector connectivities in PSF format (recognized by Molecular Dynamics related programs such as VMD, CHARMM, X-PLOR, CNS, NAMD) can be visualized and edited as bond connections (together with the corresponding codebook vector PDB file) using the molecular graphics program VMD. Here we overload the PSF file into the PDB file in the VMD command console:

mol load pdb 5_rnap1.qpdb psf 5_rnap1.qpsf
mol load pdb 0_rnap1.pdb
mol modstyle 0 1 Tube 0 1
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 10
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 2
display projection orthographic

Then rotate your molecule such that it is oriented as in the figures below (you should recognize the pattern):

(click images to enlarge)

Then toggle the display of molecule 0_rnap1.pdb (in the VMD Molecule menu) so that only the blue connectivities remain. Don't rotate the molecule. Under the 'Mouse' menu select 'Add/Remove Bonds'. Remove any "red" bonds shown above by clicking on both end points. Then add the "green" bonds the same way. You should have a proper balance between freedom of motion and stability of the skeleton. This takes some experience, trial and error. The blue connectivities give a reasonable fit that can be improved later. The edited connectivity can then be saved into a PSF file from the VMD command console (assuming your connectivity molecule is still 'top'):

set sel [atomselect top all]
$sel writepsf 6_rnap1.qpsf

Note: in run_tutorial.bash we copy 6_rnap1.qpsf from the solution directory. This is a "cheat" that allows one to run the entire script without waiting for this manual step.
LBG Vector Quantization of the Low-Resolution Map

Now that the skeleton connectivities have been determined, the skeleton distances can be enforced with the local LBG optimization algorithm of the quanvol utility. After entering

./quanvol 0_rnap2.situs 5_rnap1.qpdb 7_rnap2.qvol

the user is prompted to enter the density cutoff value. We enter the approximate surface threshold, 50. The start vectors are taken from file 5_rnap1.qpdb and the user has the choice optimization with LBG (enter 1) and of assigning vector distances. We read them from the file 6_rnap1.qpsf (option 3). Finally, the user is asked whether nearest-neighbor connectivities should be learnt, we don't need this option at the moment (enter 1). The file 7_rnap2.qvol now contains the newly placed codebook vectors with the distance constraints enforced. As an exercise you should load both this file and
6_rnap1.qpsf, together with 0_rnap2.situs into VMD:

(click image to enlarge)

Below is the output of the entire quanvol LBG calculation. LBG is an iterative "gradient descent" method that converges slowly, whereas TRN (without the second argument as start vectors) uses a prespecified number of calculations. The additional SHAKE statements describe the convergence of the distance constraints:

./quanvol 0_rnap2.situs 5_rnap1.qpdb 7_rnap2.qvol
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 0_rnap2.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-44, y=1-47, z=1-45
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel (1,1,1): (140.000000,12.000000,0.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 4.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 0_rnap2.situs
quanvol> Density values below a user-defined cutoff value will not be considered
quanvol> Do you want to inspect the input density values before entering the cutoff value?
quanvol> Choose one of the following three options -
quanvol>      1: No (continue)
quanvol>      2: Show me the minimum and maximum density values only
quanvol>      3: Show me the voxel histogram
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Now enter the cutoff density value: 50
quanvol> Cutting off density values < 50.000000, remaining occupied volume: 10005 voxels (6.403200e+05 Angstrom^3)
lib_pio> 15 atoms read.
quanvol> Do you want to optimize the start vectors or skip and proceed to the connectivity analysis?
quanvol> Choose one of the following two options -
quanvol>      1: Optimize start vectors with LBG
quanvol>      2: Skip and proceed directly to connectivity analysis
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Using start vectors from file 5_rnap1.qpdb.
quanvol> Vector distance constraints restrict undesired degrees of freedom.
quanvol> Do you want to add distance constraints?
quanvol> Choose one of the following three options -
quanvol>      1: No
quanvol>      2: Yes. I want to enter them manually
quanvol>      3: Yes. I want to read connectivities from a  file and use start vector distances
quanvol>      4: Yes. I want to read them from a Situs constraints file
quanvol> 3
quanvol> Enter filename: 6_rnap1.qpsf
quanvol> 30 connectivities read from file 6_rnap1.qpsf
quanvol> The corresponding distances were assigned from file 5_rnap1.quanpdb
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 1 -- 48 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 2 -- 39 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 3 -- 37 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 4 -- 40 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 5 -- 39 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 6 -- 37 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 7 -- 35 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 8 -- 34 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 9 -- 33 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Distance preconditioning step 10 -- 33 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Starting standard LBG vector quantization.
quanvol> It. 1 -- 53 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 1 -- Average vector update: 6.108390e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 2 -- 48 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 2 -- Average vector update: 5.948577e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 3 -- 48 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 3 -- Average vector update: 5.773613e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 4 -- 49 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 4 -- Average vector update: 5.605641e-01 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 5 -- 52 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 5 -- Average vector update: 5.440111e-01 Angstrom


quanvol> It. 118 -- 89 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 118 -- Average vector update: 1.105221e-02 Angstrom
quanvol> It. 119 -- 89 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> It. 119 -- Average vector update: 9.938773e-03 Angstrom
quanvol> Final clustering -- 71 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Final clustering -- Average vector update: 2.273772e-03 Angstrom
quanvol> Final clustering -- 71 SHAKE distance iterations
quanvol> Final clustering -- Average vector update: 2.607668e-07 Angstrom
quanvol> Codebook vectors have been written to file 7_rnap2.qvol
quanvol> The PDB B-factor field contains the equivalent spherical radii
quanvol> of the corresponding Voronoi cells (in Angstrom).
quanvol> Radius of gyration of the 15 codebook vectors: 42.462 Angstrom
quanvol> Do you want to update or save the input connectivities?
quanvol> Choose one of the following options -
quanvol>      1: No. I'm done
quanvol>      2: Update and save to a PSF file
quanvol>      3: Update and save to a constraints file
quanvol>      4: Update and save to both PSF and constraints files
quanvol>      5: Just save (don't update) to a PSF file
quanvol> 1
quanvol> Bye bye!

Flexible, Skeleton-Based Docking with Interpolation

As in the actin case above, the flexible docking is performed here in an approximative way by interpolation from the 15 pairs of codebook vectors. 

To start the qplasty optimization, enter at the shell prompt

./qplasty 0_rnap1.pdb 5_rnap1.qpdb 7_rnap2.qvol 8_flexed_rnap.pdb

The flexed structure will be written to the file 8_flexed_rnap.pdb.

Visualization (RNA Polymerase)

The following sequence of commands in the VMD text console (cf. VMD user guide) will load the original and flexibly docked rnap structures, 0_rnap1.pdb (red) and 8_flexed_rnap.pdb (green), and render them in colored tube representation. The script also renders the target density map 0_rnap2.situs in gray:

mol load pdb 8_flexed_rnap.pdb
mol load pdb 0_rnap1.pdb
mol load situs 0_rnap2.situs
mol top 0
rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Tube 0.3 6
mol modstyle 0 1 Tube 0.3 6
mol modstyle 0 2 Isosurface 50 0 0 1 2 1
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 1
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 2

Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line!  The final result should look like this: 

(click image to enlarge)

Note that some density regions are not optimally filled by the flexed structure. As an exercise, you can manually edit the connectivities or codebook vector positions to optimize the fit.
Visualization (2D Projections)

The following script shows how to take advantage of bash shell scripting to automate the work flow of rendering 2D projections and difference maps between a structure and a density map.  Projections of Difference maps = Difference of Projections (since there are no Situs tools for the latter, we use the former approach):

# create 15A resolution map from 0_rnap1.pdb
./pdb2vol 0_rnap1.pdb tmp.situs <<< '2
# match size of tmp.situs to that of 0_rnap2.situs
rm 9_rnap1_15.situs
./voledit tmp.situs <<< '1
rm tmp.situs
# create Y projection from 9_rnap1_15.situs
rm 9_rnap1_15.dat
./voledit  9_rnap1_15.situs <<< '2
# create Y projection from 0_rnap2.situs
rm 9_rnap2.dat
./voledit 0_rnap2.situs <<< '2
# create difference map
./voldiff 0_rnap2.situs 9_rnap1_15.situs 9_diff.situs
# create Y projection from 9_diff.situs
rm 9_diff.dat
./voledit 9_diff.situs <<< '2

The resulting projections (.dat files) can be inspected with a plotting program such as MATLAB. The final result should look like this: 

(click image to enlarge)

This script is part of the included run_tutorial.bash script (see the file for detailed documentation).
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