Classic EM Tutorial, Part I
This tutorial teaches some basic map editing skills and how to perform a fast rigid-body docking of structures to density maps that were extracted by difference mapping. The "classic" tutorial follows the original Situs tutorial of 1999, therefore it does not cover correlation-based techniques which were added later in the correlation and multi-fragment docking tutorials. Basic functionalities of many Situs tools are described in part I below. Part II describes related but more advanced topics such as density histogram matching and docking of components to larger maps. The results can be compared to solutions distributed with the tutorial software. More documentation is available in the user guide, on the methodology page, and in the published articles.
Download and Installation

First, follow these registration and download steps (each Situs tutorial is separate and must be downloaded and compiled individually)!

Then, return to this page.

The Situs_3.1_classic_tutorial/bin directory will contain the executables as well as four input data files and an executable shell script:
  • 0_ncd.pdb: Atomic coordinates of a ncd monomer (as described in Wriggers et al., 1999).
  • 0_mt.ascii: ASCII-formatted density map of the undecorated microtubule (from the Milligan lab data site).
  • 0_nm.ascii: ASCII-formatted density map of the ncd monomer decorated microtubule (from the Milligan lab data site).
  • 0_nd.ascii: ASCII-formatted density map of the ncd dimer decorated microtubule (from the Milligan lab data site).
  • run_tutorial.bash: Bash shell script containing all commands of this tutorial.

In the following, we will use these four files to dock ncd to the microtubule, following the steps described in Wriggers et al., 1999. The user can compare all generated files to the files in the solutions directory.

Data Flow and Design

The series of steps and the programs that are required to dock an atomic-resolution structure into a single-molecule, low-resolution EM data are shown schematically in the following figure. Detailed program explanations are given in the user guide.

Schematic diagram of EM related routines. Major Situs components (blue) are classified by their functionality. The main data flow is indicated by brown arrows. The visualization (orange) for the rendering of the data requires a molecular graphics viewer (we use here the VMD graphics program, Chimera and Sculptor also support Situs files).

Standard EM formats are supported and are converted to cubic lattices in Situs format.
This is done with the map2map utility. Subsequently, the data is inspected and, if necessary, prepared for the docking using a variety of visualization and analysis tools. Situs docking with matchpt requires one volume and one PDB structure for the fitting. Atomic coordinates in PDB format can be transformed to low-resolution maps, if necessary, and vice versa, to allow docking of maps to maps or structures to structures. Here we use the classic approach of vector quantization for generating intermediate coarse grained models of the data. After the vector quantization, which can be generated by external programs quanvol and quanpdb or which is automatically generated, the high-resolution structure is docked to the low-resolution density using matchpt. The resulting docked complex can be inspected using the external graphics program.

Converting the EM Maps

We convert EM maps to Situs format with the map2map utility. Enter at the shell prompt:

./map2map 0_mt.ascii 1_mt.situs

Enter the file format option 1: ASCII. Enter the axis order option: 1: X Y Z (order is already correct). Now enter the number of columns: 89, the number of rows: 89, and the number of sections: 61. Enter the grid (lattice) spacing in Ångstrom: 6. Finally, enter the origin of the map: 0 0 0.

Repeat this procedure similarly for the other two EM maps to create the files 1_nm.situs and 1_nd.situs (see run_tutorial.bash).

Here is the map2map output for file 0_mt.ascii:

./map2map 0_mt.ascii 1_mt.situs
map2map> Input map format not yet recognized.
map2map> Select one of the following input formats (or 0 for classic menu):
map2map>      1: ASCII (editable text) file, sequential list of map densities**
map2map>      2: X-PLOR map (ASCII editable text)*
map2map>      3: Generic 32-bit binary (unknown map or header parameters)
map2map>      *: automatic fill of header fields
map2map>     **: manual assignment of header fields
map2map> Enter selection: 1
map2map> Data order and axis permutation in file 0_mt.ascii.
map2map> Assign columns (C, fastest), rows (R), and sections (S, slowest) to X, Y, Z:
map2map>         C  R  S =
map2map> ------------------
map2map>      1: X  Y  Z (no permutation)
map2map>      2: X  Z  Y
map2map>      3: Y  X  Z
map2map>      4: Y  Z  X
map2map>      5: Z  X  Y
map2map>      6: Z  Y  X
map2map> Enter selection number [1-6]: 1
map2map> Enter number of columns (X fields): 89
map2map> Enter number of rows (Y fields): 89
map2map> Enter number of sections (Z fields): 61
lib_vio> Reading ASCII data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 0_mt.ascii
map2map> Enter desired cubic grid (lattice) spacing in Angstrom: 6
map2map> Enter X-origin (coord of first voxel) in Angstrom (0 is recommended, a different value shifts the resulting map accordingly): 0
map2map> Enter Y-origin (coord of first voxel) in Angstrom (0 is recommended, a different value shifts the resulting map accordingly): 0
map2map> Enter Z-origin (coord of first voxel) in Angstrom (0 is recommended, a different value shifts the resulting map accordingly): 0
lib_vio> Writing density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data written in Situs format to file 1_mt.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 1_mt.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-89, y=1-89, z=1-61
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
map2map> All done.

Note that the origin of the coordinate system is set to the first voxel in the map.

Computing the Difference Density Maps

We compute difference density maps with the voldiff utility. To compute the difference density map of the first, attached ncd monomer, subtract the microtubule data from the monomer-decorated microtubule data:

./voldiff 1_nm.situs 1_mt.situs 2_s1.situs

Similarly, to compute the difference density map of the second, detached monomer, subtract the monomer-decorated microtubule data from the dimer-decorated microtubule data:

./voldiff 1_nd.situs 1_nm.situs 2_s2.situs
Inspecting Data Cross Sections

Now we inspect the generated Situs maps with the voledit utility. voledit requires a fixed-width font in the shell window.

First we look at the dimer-decorated microtubule. At the shell prompt, enter:

./voledit 1_nd.situs

The program prints the header information and the minimum and maximum density values of the map. Note that the default density cutoff for the rendering of voxels is the mean of the minimum and the maximum density. Enter the desired cross section type: 1: (x,y)-cross section as function of z-value. The program will render the cross section at the half-maximal z position. At the program prompt, increase or decrease the z position or enter "0" for changing the cutoff value. What happens if you start the program with cross section types 2: (z,x) or 3: (y,z)? Also inspect the files 1_mt.situs, 1_nm.situs, 2_s1.situs, and 2_s2.situs (hint: a cutoff value of 12 gives best results for file 2_s2.situs).

Here is an example voledit session for file 1_nd.situs:

./voledit 1_nd.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 1_nd.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-89, y=1-89, z=1-61
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 1_nd.situs
voledit> Min. / max. density values: -31.000000 / 51.000000
voledit> Choose one of the following three options -
voledit>      1: (x,y)-cross section as function of z-value
voledit>      2: (z,x)-cross section as function of y-value
voledit>      3: (y,z)-cross section as function of x-value
voledit> 1
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000); (89,89,61)=(534.000000,534.000000,366.000000)
voledit> Cross section at z = 31, display density threshold = 10.000000, display voxel step = 1:

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 85

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 81

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 77
                              uuuu        uuu
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   OOOOOOu .   .OOOO   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 73
                            OOOOOO       ^
.   .   .   .   .   .   .  uOOOO^   .   . uu.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 69
                  uuOOOu  uOOOOOu       uOOOO     uuuu
.   .   .   .   .OOOOOOOO ^^^OOOOOu .  uOOOOOu uuOOOOO  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 65
                 OOOOOOO       OOOOOu  OOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOu uuuO
.   .   .   .   . OOOOOOu   .  OOOOOO   .   .  ^OOOOOOOOOOOOO   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 61
                   OOOOOOOOOuuuOOOO^                 OOOOOOOO     uu
.   .   .   .   . OOOOOOOOOOOOOO^   .   .   .   .   . ^^^OOOOu  uOOOOu  .   .   .   .   .- 57
            uOOOOO^OOO^^^OOOOOO^                          ^OOOOOOOOO^
.   .   .  uOOOOOO  .   .OOOOO^ .   .   .   .   .   .   .  ^OOOOOO^ .   .   .   .   .   .- 53
           OOOOOOOOuuOOOOOOO^                               ^OOO^^
.   .   .  ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   uOOOOu  .   .   .   .- 49
              ^OOOOOOOOOOOOO                                  uOOOOOOOOOOOOOOu
.   .   .   .   ^OOO^ ^^^^^ .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .uOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .   .   .- 45
                       uuOu                                   OOOOOO^^  ^^OOOO
.   .   .   .   .   uOOOOOOu.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .uOOO^  .   .  ^^^  .   .   .- 41
            uuuuuuuOOOOOOOOO                                OOOOOuuuuOOu
.   .   .   OOOOOOOOOOO^^^Ou.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  OOOOOOOOOOOOOO   .   .   .   .- 37
            ^^^^^^OO^^    OOOuu                           uOOOOOOOOOOOOOOu
.   .   .   .   .   .   .uOOOOOOu   .   .   .   .   .   uOOOO^^^^^^OOOOOOOOu.   .   .   .- 33
                        uOOOOOOOOuu                    OOOOOOu      OOOOOOOO
.   .   .   .   .   .  uOOO^^^^OOOOOOOu .   .   .   uuuOOOOOOOOuuOOOOOOOOOO .   .   .   .- 29
                       ^^^     OOOOOOOOOOOOuuu   OOOOO  ^^OOOOOOOOO^^^^O^^
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  OOOOO^^^OOOOOOO  OOOOOO  .   ^OOOOO^ .   .   .   .   .   .- 25
                                       OOOOO^    OOOO        OOOOOu
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   ^^^ .   . ^^Ouu .   uOOOOOOu.   .   .   .   .   .- 21
                                                   uOOOO    OOOOOOO
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .uOOOOO^.   .^^^^   .   .   .   .   .   .- 17
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .^^^^   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 13

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 9

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 5

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 1
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
1   5   9   13  17  21  25  29  33  37  41  45  49  53  57  61  65  69  73  77  81  85  89  >x

voledit> Increase/decrease z (enter offset value or 0 for more options):

Extracting Regions of Interest

We want to perform the docking of the ncd crystal structure to two selected regions of density near the microtubule surface. Obviously, the full datasets are too large and contain too many individual protein densities. Therefore, we extract first a small region of interest near the microtubule surface, using the cropping tool within voledit (enter 0 from within the slice window and 4 on the option menu). An inspection of the datasets with voledit shows that the 25x25x25 cube with positions x:57-81, y:33-57, z:15-39 is suitable. First, we extract this region from file 1_mt.situs and save the resulting map to file 3_mt.situs (option 11):

./voledit 1_mt.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 1_mt.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-89, y=1-89, z=1-61
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 1_mt.situs
voledit> Min. / max. density values: -32.000000 / 49.000000
voledit> Choose one of the following three options -
voledit>      1: (x,y)-cross section as function of z-value
voledit>      2: (z,x)-cross section as function of y-value
voledit>      3: (y,z)-cross section as function of x-value
voledit> 1
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000); (89,89,61)=(534.000000,534.000000,366.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 31, display density level = 8.500000, display voxel step = 1:
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 85
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 81
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 77
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 73
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   uuOu.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 69
                                       OOOOOOu   uuOOu                                  
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  uOOuu.  OOOOOOOuuOOOOOOO .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 65
                               OOOOOOu OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuuuuu                           
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   . OOOOOOOO  .^^ . ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 61
      u                  OOOOOOOOOOO^              ^OOOOOOOOO                           
.   .   .   .   .   .   .OOOOOOOO^^ .   .   .   .   .^^OOOOOOuuu.   .   .   .   .   .   .- 57
                         OOOOOOO                         ^OOOOOOOOu                     
.   .   .   .   .   . uuuOOOOOO .   .   .   .   .   .   . ^OOOOOOOO .   .   .   .   .   .- 53
                     OOOOOOOO^^                             ^OOOO^                      
.   .   .   .   .   .OOOOOOOO   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .^^ .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 49
                     ^OOOOOOO                                uOOOOOu                    
.   .   .   .   .   .  ^^^O^.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .OOOOOOOO   .   .   .   .   .- 45
                      uuOOO                                  OOOOOOOO                   
.   .   .   .   .   uOOOOOOu.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   uOOOOO^^.   .   .   .   .   .- 41
                    OOOOOOOO                               OOOOOOu                      
.   .   .   .   .   .^^^OO^Ouu  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  OOOOOOO  .   .   .   .   .   .- 37
                          OOOOuu                         uOOOOOOOOO                     
.   .   .   .   .   .   .OOOOOOOOu  .   .   .   .   .   OOOOOOOOOO  .   .   .   .   .   .- 33
                        ^OOOOOOOOOuuuu                uOOOOOOO                          
.   .   .   .   .   .   .^^^^^OOOOOOOOOu.   .   . uuuOOOOOOOOO  .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 29
                               OOOOOOOOOOOOOOu uuOOOOOO^^OOOO                           
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^OOOOOOO .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 25
                                ^^^   ^OOOOOO^  ^OOOOO^                                 
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  ^OOO^.   . ^^^   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 21
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 17
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 13
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 9 
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 5 
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .- 1 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
1   5   9   13  17  21  25  29  33  37  41  45  49  53  57  61  65  69  73  77  81  85  89  >x

voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-61, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 4
voledit> Voxel range of cropping. Enter new grid values:
voledit> Minimum x value (1-89): 57
voledit> Maximum x value (57-89): 81
voledit> Minimum y value (1-89): 33
voledit> Maximum y value (33-89): 57
voledit> Minimum z value (1-61): 15
voledit> Maximum z value (15-61): 39
lib_vwk> 89 x 89 x 61 map projected to 25 x 25 x 25 lattice.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (336.000,192.000,84.000)
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(336.000000,192.000000,84.000000); (25,25,25)=(486.000000,342.000000,234.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 13, display density level = 8.000000, display voxel step = 1:
. OOOOOOOOOu.   .   .   .- 21
.   OOOOOO  .   .   .   .- 17
.   ^OOOOOOOO   .   .   .- 13
.   .OOOO^  .   .   .   .- 9 
.   OOOOOOO .   .   .   .- 5 
uuuu. ^^^^  .   .   .   .- 1 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |  
1   5   9   13  17  21  25  >x

voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-25, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 12
voledit> Enter filename for the modified map: 3_mt.situs

lib_vio> Writing density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data written in Situs format to file 3_mt.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 3_mt.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-25, y=1-25, z=1-25
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (336.000000,192.000000,84.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000

Similarly, (see the run_tutorial.bash script) we create the files 3_nd.situs, 3_nm.situs, 3_s1.situs, and 3_s2.situs from the corresponding files 1_nd.situs, 1_nm.situs, 2_s1.situs, and 2_s2.situs.

Inspecting the Voxel Histogram

Next, we inspect the file 3_nm.situs with the program volhist to make sure the background peak in the voxel histogram is at the origin. When prompted, enter the number of histogram bins (40):

./volhist 3_nm.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 3_nm.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-25, y=1-25, z=1-25
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (336.000000,192.000000,84.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 3_nm.situs
lib_vwk> Density information. min: -27.000000 max: 50.000000 ave: 6.590784 sig: 15.990164 norm: 17.295195
lib_vwk> Above zero density information. ave: 17.834073 sig: 13.150531 norm: 22.158309
lib_vwk> Please enter the of number histogram bins: 40
lib_vwk> Printing voxel histogram, 40 histogram bins
lib_vwk> (density value; voxel count; top-down cumulative volume fraction):
 -27.000 | 2 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 1.000e+00
 -25.026 |= 27                                                                           | 9.999e-01
 -23.051 |==== 94    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 9.981e-01
 -21.077 |======= 157                                                                    | 9.921e-01
 -19.103 |======== 193   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 9.821e-01
 -17.128 |============ 287                                                               | 9.697e-01
 -15.154 |============== 323 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 9.514e-01
 -13.179 |============= 307                                                              | 9.307e-01
 -11.205 |============== 319 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 9.110e-01
  -9.231 |=============== 350                                                            | 8.906e-01
  -7.256 |======================== 548   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 8.682e-01
  -5.282 |================================ 717                                           | 8.332e-01
  -3.308 |===================================================== 1185 .   .   .   .   .   | 7.873e-01
  -1.333 |====================================================================== 1565    | 7.114e-01
   0.641 |=======================================================================-> 1761 | 6.113e-01
   2.615 |=========================================== 966                                | 4.986e-01
   4.590 |=============================== 714    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 4.367e-01
   6.564 |==================== 459                                                       | 3.910e-01
   8.538 |=============== 355    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 3.617e-01
  10.513 |================ 358                                                           | 3.389e-01
  12.487 |============== 328 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 3.160e-01
  14.462 |=============== 349                                                            | 2.950e-01
  16.436 |============== 325 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 2.727e-01
  18.410 |============= 305                                                              | 2.519e-01
  20.385 |=============== 342    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 2.324e-01
  22.359 |============== 322                                                             | 2.105e-01
  24.333 |============= 300  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 1.899e-01
  26.308 |============= 295                                                              | 1.707e-01
  28.282 |============== 326 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 1.518e-01
  30.256 |=============== 353                                                            | 1.309e-01
  32.231 |============== 321 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 1.084e-01
  34.205 |============= 303                                                              | 8.781e-02
  36.179 |============== 317 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 6.842e-02
  38.154 |============ 278                                                               | 4.813e-02
  40.128 |========= 211  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 3.034e-02
  42.103 |====== 137                                                                     | 1.683e-02
  44.077 |=== 74 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 8.064e-03
  46.051 |= 40                                                                           | 3.328e-03
  48.026 | 11    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   | 7.680e-04
  50.000 | 1                                                                             | 6.400e-05
lib_vwk> Maximum at density value 0.641

The above inspection shows that the background peak is already at the origin, so there is nothing to do here. However, if necessary
volhist could be run with additional file names as arguments, in which case the program would provide options for rescaling or shifting the densities, or for matching the density histogram of two maps.  The more advanced functionality is described in part II of this tutorial.

Extracting Single-Molecule Densities

We are now prepared to extract single-molecule densities with the floodfill segmentation utility within voledit (enter 0 from within the slice window, then 8 on the option menu). Inspection of the file 3_s1.situs with voledit indicates that the voxel at position x=16, y=16, z=16 is located near the center of the density of an attached monomer that can be isolated at a threshold level of 20. After applying floodfill we also use thresholding at this level to eliminate any outside density. Here is the voledit session for extracting the first monomer and writing it to file 4_s1.situs:

./voledit 3_s1.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 3_s1.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-25, y=1-25, z=1-25
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (336.000000,192.000000,84.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 3_s1.situs
voledit> Min. / max. density values: -19.000000 / 56.000000
voledit> Choose one of the following three options -
voledit>      1: (x,y)-cross section as function of z-value
voledit>      2: (z,x)-cross section as function of y-value
voledit>      3: (y,z)-cross section as function of x-value
voledit> 1
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(336.000000,192.000000,84.000000); (25,25,25)=(486.000000,342.000000,234.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 13, display density level = 18.500000, display voxel step = 1:
.   .   .  ^.   .   .   .- 21
.   .   .  uOOOOOO  .   .- 17
.   .   .   .OOOO^  .   .- 13
.   .   .   .   .   .   .- 9 
.   .   .   uuuu.   .   .- 5 
.   .   .   ^^^ .   .   .- 1 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |  
1   5   9   13  17  21  25  >x
voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-25, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 8
voledit> Min. / max. density values: -19.000000 / 56.000000
voledit> Enter desired threshold level for floodfill segmentation: 20
voledit> Enter floodfill start index x (1-25): 16
voledit> Enter floodfill start index y (1-25): 16
voledit> Enter floodfill start index z (1-25): 16
voledit> 3D coordinates of start grid point (16,16,16): (426.00,282.00,174.00)
voledit> Shrink map about found volume? Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1: No (keep input map size)
voledit>      2: Yes (shrink map)
voledit> Filling contiguous volume...
voledit> Filling contiguous volume...
voledit> Contiguous volume, > 20.000000: 284 voxels (6.134400e+04 Angstrom^3)
voledit> Extracted volume, > 0.000000: 724 voxels (1.563840e+05 Angstrom^3)
lib_vwk> 25 x 25 x 25 map projected to 9 x 10 x 14 lattice.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (396.000,252.000,132.000)
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(396.000000,252.000000,132.000000); (9,10,14)=(450.000000,312.000000,216.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 8, display density level = 27.000000, display voxel step = 1:
.   .   .- 9 
. OOOOO .- 5 
.   .   .- 1 
|   |   |  
1   5   9   >x
voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-14, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 9
voledit> Enter threshold level (densities below this will be set to zero): 20
lib_vwk> Setting density values below 20.000000 to zero.
lib_vwk> Remaining occupied volume: 284 voxels.
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(396.000000,252.000000,132.000000); (9,10,14)=(450.000000,312.000000,216.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 8, display density level = 27.000000, display voxel step = 1:
.   .   .- 9 
. OOOOO .- 5 
.   .   .- 1 
|   |   |  
1   5   9   >x
voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-14, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 12
voledit> Enter filename for the modified map: 4_s1.situs
lib_vio> Writing density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data written to file 4_s1.situs
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 4_s1.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-9, y=1-10, z=1-14
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (396.000000,252.000000,132.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
voledit> Box coordinates (1,1,1)=(396.000000,252.000000,132.000000); (9,10,14)=(450.000000,312.000000,216.000000)
voledit> Cross-section at z = 8, display density level = 27.000000, display voxel step = 1:
.   .   .- 9 
. OOOOO .- 5 
.   .   .- 1 
|   |   |  
1   5   9   >x
voledit> Browse slices (sections z=1-14, projection z=0): pos/neg int for up/down or 0 for more options: 0
voledit> Choose one of the following options:
voledit>      1:  Set cross-section z index or select projection
voledit>      2:  Set display density level
voledit>      3:  Set voxel step for display
voledit>      4:  Cropping (cut away margin)
voledit>      5:  Zero padding (extra margin)
voledit>      6:  Interpolation (change voxel spacing)
voledit>      7:  Polygon clippling
voledit>      8:  Segmentation (floodfill) of contiguous volume
voledit>      9:  Thresholding (set low densities to zero)
voledit>     10:  Binary thresholding (set densities to zero or one)
voledit>     11:  Save current slice
voledit>     12:  Save entire map
voledit>     13:  Quit voledit
voledit> 13
voledit> Bye bye!

Now do the same for the second, detached monomer (see the run_tutorial.bash script). Similarly, one finds that the voxel at position x=19, y=12, z=13 is located near the center of the density of the detached monomer in file 3_s2.situs at a threshold level of 12. The threshold cutoff values were found by trial and error to prevent "leaking" of the density into neighboring monomers. Here we also shrink the maps about the found extracted volumes.

Vector Quantization and Docking

Now we can perform the vector quantization and fast docking of the attached monomer with the matchpt utility. At the shell prompt, enter

./matchpt NONE 4_s1.situs NONE 0_ncd.pdb

using the default parameters of
matchpt. NONE are place holders for so-called codebook vectors (a coarse-grained model used for fast point-cloud matching). The usage of NONE instead of explicit file names specifies that missing codebook vectors will be calculated in the fly.

Watch the program vector quantize the atomic and low-resolution data for a (default) range of 4-9 codebook vectors. For each number of vectors, a small number of calculations are repeated with different random number seeds for both atomic and low-resolution data. The averaged codebook vectors are then used for the matching, and their rms variability is displayed. After computing the N (M) vectors for high- (low-) resolution data (M  units * N, where units is by default set to 1), the subsequent docking then determines the six rigid-body degrees of freedom by a least-squares fit of matching pairs of vectors. The corresponding vectors are not known a priori, and a large number of possible combinations are explored. Good matches are found for select numbers N, M, and the best number of vectors (here: N, M=7) is chosen by the lowest resulting rms deviation (RMSD).

The program returns a list of solutions for (N, M=7), ranked by their codebook vector rms deviation. The correlation coefficient is also shown. The fourth column in the output below shows the internal permutation of the vectors that determine the superposition. Note that the correlation coefficient is within a very narrow numeric range, despite the significant differences in orientation between these fits, whereas the vector rmsd is more discriminatory.

To prevent the resulting files from being over written, we save the two best solutions to the files 5_s1_1.dock.pdb and 5_s1_2.dock.pdb, respectively, and delete all other output which is no longer needed.

Here is the output of the entire matchpt calculation, including the UNIX shell commands at the end that save the best two fits and remove all other output:

./matchpt NONE 4_s1.situs NONE 0_ncd.pdb
matchpt> File1 == NONE
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 4_s1.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-9, y=1-10, z=1-14
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (396.000000,252.000000,132.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 6.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 4_s1.situs
matchpt> File3 == NONE
matchpt> Loading high-resolution structure PDB file: 0_ncd.pdb
matchpt> No codebook vectors available, will compute a series of vector
matchpt> sets of different sizes and rank them.
matchpt> Computation and clustering of sets of (high res./low res.) codebook vectors.
lib_mpt> Variability of  4 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 0.376 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  5 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.464 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  6 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.048 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  7 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.089 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  4 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.317 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  5 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 0.457 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  6 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.837 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  7 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 0.328 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  8 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 1.773 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  9 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 2.522 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  8 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 3.074 A
lib_mpt> Variability of  9 codebook vectors in 8 statistically independent runs: 0.409 A

matchpt> Point cloud matching for (high res./low res.) vectors:
matchpt> 4/4 vectors: No matches found.
matchpt> 6/6 vectors: No matches found.
matchpt> 8/8 vectors: No matches found.
matchpt> 5/5 vectors: 2 matches found with min RMSD 3.744 A, variabilities 0.457/1.464 A, max CC 0.883
matchpt> 9/9 vectors: 1 match found with RMSD 5.086 A, variabilities 0.409/2.522 A, CC: 0.857
matchpt> 7/7 vectors: 6 matches found with min RMSD 2.712 A, variabilities 0.328/1.089 A, max CC 0.897
matchpt> Based on min RMSD, selecting 6 matches from 7/7 vectors. Exploring top 6 RMSD solutions.
matchpt> Solution filename, codebook vector RMSD in Angstrom,
matchpt> cross-correlation coefficient, and permutation
matchpt> (order of low res fitted to high res vectors):
matchpt> mpt_001.pdb - RMSD:  2.712  CC:  0.897 - ( 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 5, 1)
matchpt> mpt_002.pdb - RMSD:  4.334  CC:  0.852 - ( 4, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5)
matchpt> mpt_003.pdb - RMSD:  5.116  CC:  0.849 - ( 7, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 6)
matchpt> mpt_004.pdb - RMSD:  7.964  CC:  0.834 - ( 1, 7, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6)
matchpt> mpt_005.pdb - RMSD:  8.249  CC:  0.754 - ( 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 2, 1)
matchpt> mpt_006.pdb - RMSD:  9.084  CC:  0.722 - ( 6, 4, 1, 7, 3, 2, 5)
matchpt> All done.

Now do the same for the second, detached monomer. Is there a unique best fit? What is the lowest rms deviation and the gap to the subsequent fits? Extract the best fit to the file 5_s2_1.dock.pdb and the second best to 5_s2_2.dock.pdb. See also the run_tutorial.bash script for details on automating these steps.

Note: As described in (Birmanns & Wriggers, 2007), the fast matching by codebook vectors can be refined by a post-processing with the correlation-based tool collage. We have explained this refinement step in the separate multi-fragment docking tutorial.


This section uses the graphics program VMD. Chimera and Sculptor also support Situs format. Note that the origin of the Situs map coordinate system was assigned by map2map.

The following sequence of commands in the VMD text console (cf. VMD user guide) will load the two docked structures, 5_s1_1.dock.pdb and 5_s2_1.dock.pdb, and render them in cartoon representation, coded by color. The script then instructs VMD to render the density maps 3_mt.situs in green, 4_s1.situs in blue, and 4_s2.situs in purple:

mol load pdb 5_s1_1.dock.pdb
mol load pdb 5_s2_1.dock.pdb
mol load situs 3_mt.situs
mol load situs 4_s1.situs
mol load situs 4_s2.situs
mol top 0
rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Cartoon 2.1 11 5
mol modstyle 0 1 Cartoon 2.1 11 5
mol modstyle 0 2 Isosurface 20 0 0 0 1 1
mol modstyle 0 3 Isosurface 20 0 0 1 1 1
mol modstyle 0 4 Isosurface 12 0 0 1 1 1
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 1
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 3 ColorID 0
mol modcolor 0 4 ColorID 11

Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line! 

The result should look like this:

vmd result
(Click image to enlarge)

Part II: Advanced Matching with volhist and matchpt

matchpt tool supports the registration of point clouds even in cases where they are of unequal size, such as in oligomeric assemblies. Also, as mentioned above, volhist provides options for rescaling or shifting the densities, or for matching the density histogram of two maps. The more advanced usage of these routines is demonstrated on the above examples in part II of this tutorial.

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