Multi-Fragment Docking Tutorial
The tutorial shows the manual placement of structures into EM maps "by eye" and their subsequent refinement with the collage tool. The refinement examples shown include single fragment docking, simultaneous multiple fragment docking, and multiple fragment docking with symmetry enforced. The results can be compared to solutions distributed with the tutorial software. More documentation is available in the user guide, in the methodology page, and in the published articles.
Download and Installation

First, follow these registration and download steps (each Situs tutorial is separate and must be downloaded and compiled individually)!

Then, return to this page. 

The Situs_3.1_multi_tutorial/bin directory will contain the executables as well as eight input data files and an executable shell script:

  • 0_hexamer_reference.pdb: For validating purposes, PDB entry 2REC.
  • 0_hexamer.situs: Simulated EM map (Situs format) at 15Å resolution of the RecA hexamer (PDB entry 2REC).
  • 0_monomer_*.pdb: Atomic (carbon alpha) coordinates of slightly misplaced and rotated monomers (*=1-6) of RecA.
  • run_tutorial.bash: Bash shell script containing all commands of this tutorial (actually, there is only one shell command here, the VMD scripts shown below are more important in this tutorial).
In the following, we will perform various modeling tasks. The user can compare all generated files to the files in the "solutions" directory.
Data Flow and Design

The series of steps and the utilities that are required for multi-fragment docking are shown schematically in the following figure. Detailed program explanations are given in the user guide.

Schematic diagram of collage-related Situs components (light blue). The main data flow is indicated by brown arrows. The optional enforcement of symmetry with pdbsymm is indicated by dark blue arrows. The visualization (orange) requires an external molecular graphics viewer (we use here the VMD graphics program, Chimera and Sculptor also support Situs format).

Standard EM formats are supported and are converted to cubic lattices in Situs format. This is done with the map2map utility. Subsequently, the data is inspected and, if necessary, prepared for the fitting using a variety of visualization and analysis tools. The docking tool collage requires one volume and one or more PDB structures for the fitting. Atomic coordinates in PDB format can be transformed to low-resolution maps, if necessary, and vice versa, to allow docking of maps to maps or structures to structures. The resulting docked complex can be inspected in the graphics program.
Manual Docking (Optional)

In many fitting applications an expert user may have a pretty good idea where to place a biomolecule. Therefore, it is quite a popular approach to manually dock atomic structures into low resolution maps. In molecular graphics program such as VMD one can shift and rotate a loaded molecule and save the new coordinates.

For convenience, the following VMD commands can be pasted directly into the VMD command shell (cf. VMD user guide):

vmd shell commands:

mol load situs 0_hexamer.situs
mol load pdb 0_monomer_1.pdb
mol load pdb 
mol load pdb 
mol load pdb 
mol load pdb 
mol load pdb 
mol top 0
rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Isosurface 1 0 0 1 2 1
mol modstyle 0 1 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 2 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 3 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 4 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 5 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 6 Trace 0.3 32
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 0
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 3 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 4 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 5 ColorID 3
mol modcolor 0 6 ColorID 3


Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line! Exit VMD when done.

Notice how the initial structures are misplaced relative to the map? We will refine them shortly.

Then select the VMD menu Mouse -> Move -> Molecule. You can now click on individual monomer structures with the mouse and rotate them by pressing the Shift key; the new coordinates can then be saved to a file by selecting the VMD menu File -> Save Coordinates (select "all" atoms). Test this strategy and and create two new PDB files as you wish (this optional exercise is not required for the following refinement steps).
Refinement of Single Fragments

We support manual docking by providing a tool, collage, that calculates the cross correlation (as a way to provide quantitative feedback) and performs a single optimization run to the nearest maximum of the cross-correlation coefficient (if a refinement after manual docking is desired). As with colores, the user may select standard or Laplacian filtered correlation explicitely (option "-corr 0" or "-corr 1"), otherwise the default option (resolution-dependent) is applied. 

The first monomer, 0_monomer_1.pdb, was misplaced and rotated relative to the volumetric map, but it is not too far from the optimum. This is a good start situation for manual refinement with collage. Here we show the results of a collage run for the first monomer only (note the -corr 1 option, turning on the Laplacian filter). We also specify a resolution 15Å:

./collage 0_hexamer.situs 0_monomer_1.pdb -corr 1 -res 15
collage> Options read:
collage> Target resolution 15.000
collage> Resolution anisotropy 1.000
collage> Powell correlation algorithm determined automatically
collage> Low-resolution map cutoff 0.000
collage> Powell maximization ON
collage> Laplacian filtered correlation
collage> Powell tolerance 1.00E-06  Max iterations 50
collage> Powell trans & rot initial step sizes set to default values
collage> Processing low-resolution map.
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 0_hexamer.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-43, y=1-41, z=1-29
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (-84.000000,-80.000000,-68.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 4.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 0_hexamer.situs
lib_vwk> Setting density values below 0.000000 to zero.
lib_vwk> Remaining occupied volume: 51127 voxels.
lib_vwk> Map size changed from 43 x 41 x 29 to 37 x 35 x 23.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (-72.000,-68.000,-56.000)
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 5.881478, min 0.000000, ave 0.709373, sig 1.280587.
collage> Processing atomic structures.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
collage> One atomic input structure detected:
collage>   1. 0_monomer_1.pdb (303 atoms)
lib_vwk> Generating Gaussian kernel with 7^3 = 343 voxels.
lib_vwk> Generating Gaussian kernel with 11^3 = 1331 voxels.
lib_vwk> Generating Laplacian kernel with 3^3 = 27 voxels.
lib_vwk> Generating kernel with 9^3 = 729 voxels.
lib_vwk> Map size expanded from 37 x 35 x 23 to 45 x 43 x 31 by zero-padding.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (-88.000,-84.000,-72.000)
collage> Projecting probe structure to lattice...
collage> (no steric exclusion boosting of density)
collage> Computing fraction of PDB contained within the map (above cutoff density) ...
collage> Overlap fraction:   9.8243647E-01
collage> Applying filters to target and probe maps...
lib_vwk> Relaxing 5 voxel thick shell about thresholded density...
collage> Normalizing target and probe maps...
collage> Target and probe maps:
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 6.002296, min -8.313631, ave -0.000097, sig 0.560120.
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 10.390867, min -18.678137, ave -0.006849, sig 0.475055.
collage> Initial correlation coefficient:  -1.7409664E-02
collage> Identifying inside or buried voxels...
collage> Found 25657 inside or buried voxels (out of a total of 59985).
collage> Powell conjugent gradient maximization.
collage> Determining most efficient correlation algorithm based on convergence and time...
collage>   Original algorithm: Correlation = -0.01132313  Time = 1.529500 ms
collage>   Masked algorithm:   Correlation = -0.01132313  Time = 1.425000 ms
collage>   One-step algorithm: Correlation = -0.01145076  Time = 1.042500 ms
collage> Using masked three-step correlation function.
collage> Performing Powell conjugate gradient maximization...
collage> Single-body Powell
collage>   X       Y       Z       Psi     Theta   Phi      Correlation   Iteration   PDB (Body) Nr.
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    -1.7409664E-02 Initial     1     
collage>  -2.154 -11.684  -1.559  40.020   4.057 313.739    3.9592493E-01 Final       1     
collage> Total number of Powell steps: 11
collage> Total optimization time: 5.377984 s
collage> Writing body number 1 to file cge_001.pdb.
collage> Writing Powell log to file cge_powell.log.
collage> All done!!!

The program output shows how the initial correlation of -0.01 increases to 0.4 while the structure is matched (the correlation maximum is significantly below 1 due to the fitting to much larger map and due to the use of the Laplacian). The output is written to the file cge_001.pdb. We rename this file to "1_monomer_1.pdb" to avoid overwriting it later:

mv cge_001.pdb 1_monomer_1.pdb
rm cge_*

To inspect the result (white spheres) and to compare it to the initial conformation (red) and the reference structure (green) the following VMD commands can be pasted directly into the VMD command shell:

vmd shell commands:

mol load pdb 0_hexamer_reference.pdb
mol load situs 0_hexamer.situs
mol load pdb 1_monomer_1.pdb

mol load pdb 0_monomer_1.pdb
mol top 0
rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 1 Isosurface 1 0 0 1 2 1
mol modstyle 0 2 VDW 0.6 13

mol modstyle 0 3 Trace 0.3 32
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 0
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 8

mol modcolor 0 3 ColorID 1


Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line! Exit VMD when done.

Note that the correlation is the only criterion employed by collage. In some cases, e.g. low resolution or significant buried surface, the correlation criterion is ambiguous or breaks down when docking one fragment at a time. In such cases collage may actually worsen the fit of single fragments. The user should experiment in such challenging cases with various parameters of the program, and with turning the Laplacian filter on or off (-corr option). However, an even better strategy is to fit all fragments simultaneously as described in the next two sections.

Refinement of Multiple Fragments

In this example we refine all six input monomers simultaneously using standard correlation (-corr 0). collage automatically detects the number of input PDB files if they are entered in sequence:

./collage 0_hexamer.situs 0_monomer_1.pdb 0_monomer_2.pdb \
    0_monomer_3.pdb 0_monomer_4.pdb 0_monomer_5.pdb \
    0_monomer_6.pdb -corr 0 -res 15
collage> Options read:
collage> Target resolution 15.000
collage> Resolution anisotropy 1.000
collage> Powell correlation algorithm determined automatically
collage> Low-resolution map cutoff 0.000
collage> Powell maximization ON
collage> Standard cross correlation
collage> Powell tolerance 1.00E-06  Max iterations 50
collage> Powell trans & rot initial step sizes set to default values
collage> Processing low-resolution map.
lib_vio> Situs formatted map file 0_hexamer.situs - Header information:
lib_vio> Columns, rows, and sections: x=1-43, y=1-41, z=1-29
lib_vio> 3D coordinates of first voxel: (-84.000000,-80.000000,-68.000000)
lib_vio> Voxel size in Angstrom: 4.000000
lib_vio> Reading density data...
lib_vio> Volumetric data read from file 0_hexamer.situs
lib_vwk> Setting density values below 0.000000 to zero.
lib_vwk> Remaining occupied volume: 51127 voxels.
lib_vwk> Map size changed from 43 x 41 x 29 to 37 x 35 x 23.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (-72.000,-68.000,-56.000)
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 5.881478, min 0.000000, ave 0.709373, sig 1.280587.
collage> Processing atomic structures.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
lib_pio> 303 atoms read.
collage> Atomic input structures detected:
collage>   1. 0_monomer_1.pdb (303 atoms)
collage>   2. 0_monomer_2.pdb (303 atoms)
collage>   3. 0_monomer_3.pdb (303 atoms)
collage>   4. 0_monomer_4.pdb (303 atoms)
collage>   5. 0_monomer_5.pdb (303 atoms)
collage>   6. 0_monomer_6.pdb (303 atoms)
lib_vwk> Generating Gaussian kernel with 7^3 = 343 voxels.
lib_vwk> Generating Gaussian kernel with 11^3 = 1331 voxels.
lib_vwk> Generating kernel with 7^3 = 343 voxels.
lib_vwk> Map size expanded from 37 x 35 x 23 to 43 x 41 x 29 by zero-padding.
lib_vwk> New map origin (coord of first voxel): (-84.000,-80.000,-68.000)
collage> Projecting probe structure to lattice...
collage> (no steric exclusion boosting of density)
collage> Computing fraction of PDB contained within the map (above cutoff density) ...
collage> Overlap fraction:   9.2835467E-01
collage> Applying filters to target and probe maps...
collage> Normalizing target and probe maps...
collage> Target and probe maps:
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 4.991302, min 0.000000, ave 0.350711, sig 0.889630.
lib_vwk> Map density info: max 5.076604, min 0.000000, ave 0.366342, sig 0.885298.
collage> Initial correlation coefficient:   6.2730276E-01
collage> Identifying inside or buried voxels...
collage> Found 12101 inside or buried voxels (out of a total of 51127).
collage> Powell conjugent gradient maximization.
collage> Determining most efficient correlation algorithm based on convergence and time...
collage>   Original algorithm: Correlation = 0.60949964  Time = 3.371500 ms
collage>   Masked algorithm:   Correlation = 0.60843375  Time = 3.875000 ms
collage> Using original three-step correlation function.
collage> Performing Powell conjugate gradient maximization...
collage> Multi-body Powell
collage>   X       Y       Z       Psi     Theta   Phi      Correlation   Iteration   PDB (Body) Nr.
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     1     
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     2     
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     3     
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     4     
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     5     
collage>   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    6.2730276E-01 Initial     6     
collage>  -2.133 -11.769  -1.515  64.570   3.499 289.717    9.9922472E-01 Final       1     
collage>   1.884  -6.191  -2.143 271.550   6.595  68.002    9.9922472E-01 Final       2     
collage> -11.933   8.718   9.683  45.883  45.831 319.195    9.9922472E-01 Final       3     
collage>   9.405  -7.100  -0.824   0.533   0.170   0.305    9.9922472E-01 Final       4     
collage>  17.633   7.091  -3.219 217.267  39.768 140.325    9.9922472E-01 Final       5     
collage> -10.788  -1.853  -2.001 174.526  19.379 192.758    9.9922472E-01 Final       6     
collage> Total number of Powell steps: 30
collage> Total optimization time: 0 h 2 m 55 s
collage> Writing body number 1 to file cge_001.pdb.
collage> Writing body number 2 to file cge_002.pdb.
collage> Writing body number 3 to file cge_003.pdb.
collage> Writing body number 4 to file cge_004.pdb.
collage> Writing body number 5 to file cge_005.pdb.
collage> Writing body number 6 to file cge_006.pdb.
collage> Writing Powell log to file cge_powell.log.
collage> All done!!!

The program output shows how the initial correlation of 0.63 increases to 1 while the structures are matched. The output structures are written to the files cge_*.pdb. We rename these files to "2_monomer_*.pdb" to avoid overwriting them later:

mv cge_001.pdb 2_monomer_1.pdb
mv cge_002.pdb 2_monomer_2.pdb
mv cge_003.pdb 2_monomer_3.pdb
mv cge_004.pdb 2_monomer_4.pdb
mv cge_005.pdb 2_monomer_5.pdb
mv cge_006.pdb 2_monomer_6.pdb
rm cge_*

To inspect the results (white spheres) and to compare them to the reference structure (green) the following VMD commands can be pasted directly into the VMD command shell:

vmd shell commands:

mol load pdb 0_hexamer_reference.pdb
mol load situs 0_hexamer.situs
mol load pdb 2_monomer_1.pdb

mol load pdb 2_monomer_2.pdb
mol load pdb 2_monomer_3.pdb
mol load pdb 2_monomer_4.pdb
mol load pdb 2_monomer_5.pdb
mol load pdb 2_monomer_6.pdb

mol top 0

rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 1 Isosurface 1 0 0 1 2 1
mol modstyle 0 2 VDW 0.6 13

mol modstyle 0 3 VDW 0.6 13
mol modstyle 0 4 VDW 0.6 13
mol modstyle 0 5 VDW 0.6 13
mol modstyle 0 6 VDW 0.6 13
mol modstyle 0 7 VDW 0.6 13

mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 0
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 8

mol modcolor 0 3 ColorID 8
mol modcolor 0 4 ColorID 8
mol modcolor 0 5 ColorID 8
mol modcolor 0 6 ColorID 8
mol modcolor 0 7 ColorID 8


Don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line! Exit VMD when done.

In this example we did not enforce six-fold (C6) symmetry. This option will be described in the next section.

Refinement of Multiple Fragments with Symmetry Enforced

Symmetry constraints are outsourced to a separate program in the UNIX shell script. You have two choices for enforcing symmetry with collage:

  1. You can use our pdbsymm tool that allows to create multiple symmetry related copies of monomers. Currently supported are C, D, and H (helical) symmetry.
  2. For other specialized cases (various icosahedral conventions, crystallographic, etc) it is likely that you already have a tool for creating symmetry copies from a PDB which you may subsitute for pdbsymm in the following.

Our goal is to keep Situs tools modular, and to avoid having to write specialized tools for every possible symmetry scenario. This means that collage will technically still treat each fragment as independent. But we will take only a single conjugate gradient step, and after each step the symmetry will again be enforced. The net effect after several iterations is a symmetry-enforced conjugate gradient optimization.

Here is our work flow for the UNIX shell script implementation:

  1. Define which input structure is the initial master monomer.
  2. Generate symmetry copies from the master monomer with pdbsymm (or your own tool).
  3. Extract individual symmetry copies from the output file using the UNIX grep command.
  4. Refine symmetry copies with collage using only a single conjugate gradient step. Save master monomer.
  5. Repeat (loop) steps 2.-4. a couple of times (check convergence).
  6. Generate final symmetry copies from master monomer using pdbsymm (or your own tool).

Below you find a UNIX bash script that implements this strategy using pdbsymm. You can paste this example directly into a bash shell (or modify it for your own needs). There are 20 loop iterations in this example, and collage has been restricted to only 1 optimization step per iteration with the -pwti flag:

# initialize, set master monomer
rm curr_mon.pdb
cp 0_monomer_1.pdb curr_mon.pdb

# loop a few times alternating between pdbsymm and collage
for i in {1..20}
  ./pdbsymm curr_mon.pdb 0_hexamer.situs tmp.pdb <<< 'C
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  1" > tmp1.pdb
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  2" > tmp2.pdb
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  3" > tmp3.pdb
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  4" > tmp4.pdb
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  5" > tmp5.pdb
  cat tmp.pdb | grep "   0  6" > tmp6.pdb
  ./collage 0_hexamer.situs tmp1.pdb tmp2.pdb tmp3.pdb tmp4.pdb \
            tmp5.pdb tmp6.pdb -corr 0 -res 15 -pwti 1e-6 1
  mv -f cge_001.pdb curr_mon.pdb
  rm tmp*.pdb
  rm cge_*

# clean up
./pdbsymm curr_mon.pdb 0_hexamer.situs 3_final_hexamer.pdb <<< 'C
rm curr_mon.pdb

You can find this protocol in the run_tutorial.bash script.

For convenience, in pdbsymm the symmetry axes can be defined by an (optional) input map. But care must be taken that the symmetry axis is at the map center defined in the user guide (crop or pad the map with voledit if necessary). Here, the C6 symmetry axis is conveniently oriented in the z direction and it is centered in the x-y plane of the input map 0_hexamer.situs.

Run this example and check the single output file, 3_final_hexamer.pdb, which now contains all symmetry copies.

To inspect the result (white spheres) and to compare it to the reference structure (green) the following VMD commands can be pasted directly into the VMD command shell:

vmd shell commands:

mol load pdb 0_hexamer_reference.pdb
mol load situs 0_hexamer.situs
mol load pdb 3_final_hexamer.pdb

mol top 0

rotate stop
display resetview
display projection orthographic
mol modstyle 0 0 Trace 0.3 32
mol modstyle 0 1 Isosurface 1 0 0 1 2 1
mol modstyle 0 2 VDW 0.6 13

mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 7
mol modcolor 0 1 ColorID 0
mol modcolor 0 2 ColorID 8


As before, don't forget to hit "enter" after the last line!

Return to the front page.