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The latest FilaSitus
code can be downloaded here: DOWNLOAD
(extract files
"gunzip" and "tar xvf").
is a list of UNIX shell commands
that generate the executables using the provided Makefile and the "gcc"
GNU C compiler (freely
available for most UNIX platforms):
gunzip FilaSitus.tar.gz
tar xvf FilaSitus.tar
cd FilaSitus/src
make all
make clean
cd ..
ls bin
FilaSitus directory contains
the legal statement (text file) and the subdirectories src
code), bin (executables + input files), prepare (developer
directory for file preparation, not normally needed bu users), and solutions
solutions). To remove the created executables enter:
should work on SGI,
HP, Sun, PC/Linux, and MacOS X workstations. Using compilers other than
the GNU C compiler usually involves (easy) editing of the Makefile
to adjust the C compiler name and options. E.g. for the SGI or MacOS X
"cc" compiler, replace "gcc" with "cc".